Your News: Independent or Mainstream?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself: how do you consume media these days? Where do you get your news? What do you watch to entertain yourself?

There’s a good chance that your answer has something to do with Facebook, Youtube or some other social media platform. Facebook recently reached 2 billion monthly active users. As almost 30% of the world’s population visit this social media platform to check on their friends, share moments and highlights of their lives, they are also slowly picking up a habit: get their news.

No, not the news, their news.

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Metter Media Social Report | Dec. 9, 2016


Social Media is fun because it makes things easy for you, but social platforms are responsible for regulating all the fun that might lead to disastrous consequences. While Twitter and Pinterest make it easier for customers through various customization preferences, other social media platforms also take steps to curb terrorism and initiate efforts to regulate fake news. Learn more about what has excited and inspired us this week:

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Metter Media Social Report, Dec. 2, 2016



It’s not that easy to guess who’s on Twitter. It’s also not that easy to become an Instagram Influencer. But with constant updates coming to all platforms/apps, and information being circulated at a high pace, the spread of fake news has become a major concern. What are the regulations we need to set? Read on for a few of the solutions that we came across:

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Living in the Age of Misinformation

The Implications of Facebook Falsehoods

Images via Shutterstock, Reclaim America Facebook page

Throughout history and literature, there are certain storylines that are carried from century to century. One of those is the protagonist who, overcome with ambition, creates something that he becomes obsessed with bettering and evolving. Isolated from the world, alone in his lab with his creation, the protagonist sees nothing but progress. Failing to have any objective reality to compare to, he evolves and evolves his creation until one day he steps back and he’s totally lost control. “I’ve created a MONSTER!” He screams. But at least Macbeth gets what he deserves and Viktor Frankenstein chases the thing he created to the ends of the earth trying to understand it.

Mark Zuckerberg is one such creator who totally lost control. AND he refuses to admit there is anything wrong with his monster.

It’s 2016. 1.79 billion people use Facebook every month. That’s more people than there are in China, the biggest country on the planet. Facebook has become one of the top sources of news consumption — 44 percent of Americans get their news from the site. Major media outlets have been scrambling to keep up.

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