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Takeda Case Study

The Breakdown

  • Overview
  • Services
  • The Challenge
  • The Opportunity

Our Work

Views from Our Windows

Kendall Square Campus Tour

Top Employer Video

Holidays Around the World

Day in the Life of Nadia Elizondo in Buenos Aires

Women Voices of Takeda: Mari Takahashi

Metter’s creativity and use of new social media content formats made a big difference for Takeda’s talent acquisition-focused content. Their posts stand out immensely on our feeds compared to other content, leading to higher reach and engagement. They showcase our people & culture in fun new ways, making us look like a cutting-edge place to work for prospective employees. Leadership at Takeda noticed Metter’s content immediately.

Emma James, Global Recruitment Marketing Manager, Takeda Pharmaceuticals

The Results

In just nine months, we gained Takeda:

0 M


0 K


0 K

Video Views

Our most successful posts achieved up to 285% more impressions compared to Takeda’s general benchmark of 40K impressions, and our Employer Brand-focused posts have been some of their top-performing content of all time.