#Thankful: Metter Media’s Favorite Social Media Features


Thanksgiving: a time for mashed potatoes, avoiding politics at the dinner table, post-dinner naps, and, of course, giving thanks.

While we have plenty to be thankful for this year here at Metter Media — our amazing clientele, our stellar team of kickass women, and a Pinterest-worthy office right in the heart of Central Square — our team is taking some time to be thankful for the brilliant updates and features that we’ve seen on social media this year.

Here are some of our favorites:

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Dear Santa: A 2016 Social Media Wishlist


It was almost Christmas time and all was bright
As Santa sat by the firelight.
He sat in Santa HQ, preparing with cheer,
wondering, “What could I do different this year?”

He heard a tap on glass and a faint hoot
Saw an owl with a scroll about as big as his boot
“Come inside, little one!” Santa jollily boomed
Unrolling a scroll the length of the room.

“What do we have here!” He cried, chuckling some
“What? Facebook can be really dumb!
Who is this from, Metter Media in Cambridge, MA?
A social media wishlist, they say.”

Then Santa’s eyes did sparkle bright
He looked out into the dark night
And vowed to make each wish come true
If Facebook can’t fix it, Santa can do!


Metter Media’s Social Media Wishlist

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Metter Media’s Social Media Resolutions for 2016

Metter Staff 2015_2

What’s your New Year’s resolution? While everyone is making weight goals, buying ClassPasses, and planting home gardens, we’re focusing on our #1 obsession: social media. After a year full of new social media developments, two new iPhones, and memes galore, we’re getting ready for whatever the new year brings us.

In 2016, the Metter team is making social media resolutions to keep ourselves on our toes both on and off the clock.

Here are our goals for the new year:

jojo Joanna – I resolve to actually use my personal Twitter account.

abrayAngela – To tweet more news-related content and things people will actually find useful!

kcicKristen – I resolve to stop reading Facebook comments, typing replies, and deleting them before posting. I shall scroll past from here on out.

metterLauren – My New Year’s Resolution is to not freak out with anxiety when I get tagged in Facebook photos.

dpowDanielle – My resolutions: Get back on my Instagram game. Make sure to check in to at least one place per day – either on Swarm or by posting a pic to other platforms!


jloJasmine – I want to stop getting into arguments on comment threads.

jweavJames – I want to start being nicer on social media.

lyssaLyssa – Stop mindlessly browsing my Instagram feed when I’m supposed to be watching a movie / talking to a human / sleeping.

ribsSarah – I resolve to keep all (okay, most) of my Snapchat stories under 60 seconds.

What’s your social media resolution? Comment below or tweet it at us!

Metter Media LLC is a Boston-based social media management company that implements community-based, localized social engagement strategies for small businesses and corporations alike. Need help with your social media? Email Lauren today.

Spotlight in Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Newsletter

Metter Media is proud to announce that we are new members of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce. The CCC is all about joining Cambridge businesses together to create new ideas through collaboration. Metter Media wanted to join the Cambridge Chamber because our whole business centers around networking and helping local businesses tell their stories online. Check out our post in the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Newsletter and a snapshot below!

“…the power of showing your customers that you’re listening is invaluable. That two-way conversation is what social media allows, and that’s what Metter Media is all about.” 

“Look around your business: everyone is on their phones. There’s an online conversation happening out there constantly — we believe every business should join in.” — Founder Lauren Metter

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Are you a business in Cambridge? Be sure to follow the CCC on Twitter and Facebook, and visit their site cambridgechamber.org.

Metter Media LLC is a Boston-based social media management company that implements community-based, localized social engagement strategies for small businesses and corporations alike. Need help with your social media? Email Lauren today.

#ThrowbackThursday Social Media Timeline


When you sit and really think about it, how crazy is it that we can talk to people all the way across the world through a piece of plastic in front of us? Far and away are the days of asking your mom permission to make a long-distance call to your friend from summer camp, or sending actual paper invitations to your next rooftop rosé party. Today’s innovators are coming up with new ways to connect every day, but for #ThrowbackThursday, we salute the tools that paved the way to this interconnected world in our Social Media Timeline:

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