Social Media Tips from @iamchrisscott

Chris ScottIf you’re anything like us, most of your feed is packed with updates from media publications and local Twitter accounts to random friends being boring and brands trying to sell us their products. Sometimes you just need some comic relief to break up the monotony, which is why we look to Chris Scott, creator of the reputable blog Reviews of Movies I Haven’t Seen. Scott also repurposes Dear Abby columns into poetry and is generally hilarious on all platforms (see his expert tips on creative writing on his blog), so you should listen to his valuable advice on managing your very own Twitter feed:

1. Edit. Resist the urge to tweet every single thought and impulse that comes to mind. Twitter is a public and interactive thing. Not everyone needs or wants to know how your sushi was, or that your sunglasses are scratched, or what’s going on with Brad he’s being so weird lately.

2. Don’t take Twitter too seriously. It’s a fun platform for putting ideas and jokes out there, engaging with others, and learning about different perspectives. But at the end of the day, none of it matters. Twitter, unlike a caterpillar or a wicker basket or a loved one, is invisible.

3. You should definitely tweet when you’re drunk. Or you definitely shouldn’t. It’s either one or the other. You’ll figure out which pretty quickly.

4. Be nice to people. This applies to Twitter, but also everything else in life. There’s enough poison in the world. Why would you want to contribute any more?