Social Media Tips from @OnTheBar

Social Media Tips from @OnTheBar@OnTheBar is one of the coolest apps to have if you’re living in Boston. It’s also one of the coolest Twitter accounts to follow — you can see where your favorite bartenders are working on any given night and plan your night accordingly. Plus, their tweets are beyond entertaining. Find more Food & Drink Twitter accounts at our list of Who to Follow in Boston!


1.  Try to mix it up. We’ll sometimes throw in cultural references that are not immediately related to what we do / our mission. If we’re just, “cocktails, cocktails, cocktails!” all the damn time, we’d be both boring and drunk.

2. Have a sense of humor, but don’t be a jerk. We take a pretty irreverent tone from time to time, but we never (or very, very rarely) speak negatively about a person or thing. Usually if we’re making fun of something, it’s ourselves. People seem to dig that. Corporate accounts are usually stodgy as hell.

3. Talk about others more than yourself. Our job is sorta easy here because we have all these amazing bartenders creating really cool content about what’s happening in their bar or what drinks they’re making, etc. We get to share this via Twitter and Instagram, and we love hyping our community members. Like that @sahildmehta guy. He’s great. You should follow him.