Social Media Tips from @TheBostonCal

Social Media Tips from Sean O’Connor of @TheBostonCalSean O’Connor is one of the many great souls behind @TheBostonCal. The Twitter account, Facebook page, and website are all dedicated to finding the best events in Boston and broadcasting them to people who like to have fun. With events ranging from food and drink, to film and art gallery openings, to random street occurrences, The Boston Calendar has a little bit for everyone in Boston to enjoy. Find more Event Twitter accounts at our list of Who to Follow in Boston!


1. Trying to raise awareness for Boston events on Twitter is a little difficult. It’s very noisy on there and sometime we post about an awesome free event and it’s just crickets. Our Facebook page has proven about 10 times more effective. As it turns out there’s not many Facebook pages in the city dedicated towards events. (Ed. Not every platform will be perfect for you. Find which one performs best, and find where your content is most needed, and spend more time there.)

2. Despite being a Twitter handle for “events that don’t suck,” it helps to post about general cool things happening around the city, like a sunset or Johnny Depp filming a movie.

3. For events, it helps to be the first or one of the first to announce an awesome upcoming event. Sometimes we get word before most, but a lot of the time Boston magazine beats us to the punch. Getting on the press release lists of events organizers has been a pursuit of ours, but it’s not that easy.