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Why Your Business Needs Social Media




Does my company need social media? The simple answer is Yes! but… why?

First, we have to discuss what social media is and its importance in society today. Even if you don’t use social media, you know what it is —it’s the cute pictures of your friend’s children, it’s finding a person you haven’t talked to in years, and more importantly, for businesses, it’s where consumers go to share their experiences. At its core, social media is a way to connect, and while it appeared fast and has grown quickly, it’s far from temporary.

But that still doesn’t explain why it’s necessary for a business to have an active social media presence.

Here are some facts courtesy of HubSpot:

  1. 72% of adult internet users use Facebook: 70% of those users log on daily, and 43% do so several times a day, making it the network with the most engaged users
  2. 76% of people use Facebook to find new content, with content consumption on the site increasing 57% in the past two years
  3. 30% of adults online use Twitter, while 28% use Instagram
  4. More than half of people who use social media for marketing purposes report that it helped improve sales
  5. 90% reported that social media generated more exposure for their businesses


We have established that social media helps create connections, but for businesses, it can do so much more. To be a company with a poor social media presence means neglecting a valuable resource. When used correctly, social media can be an appreciated extension of your brand’s voice; not only can you reach new customers, but you can share successes and minimize potential negativity. It allows you to receive feedback and address issues as soon as they arise.

A strong social media presence also allows a company to continuously build relationships with their customers, along with building community relationships. Users who follow companies on social media are shown to be loyal customers of that brand and studies show brand loyalty is increased through engagement on social media platforms.

Here is a short list of other benefits a company gains from social media:

  1. You can target your content to consumers who are looking for what you offer.
  2. It’s quantifiable, you can track engagement rates, consumer sentiment towards products and promotions to see what’s working or what needs to change.
  3. It gives you greater insight into your consumer base and what they want from you.
  4. When a consumer has a good experience and shares it on social media your reach grows.
  5. It’s personable, you go from being just a company to a friend in the eyes of consumers.

As stated before, social media is not slowing down anytime soon. Usage grew from 7% among adults to 69% by 2015 and in the next five years, it’s projected to grow 25% annually. Not to mention there’s a 30% growth in mobile social media use every year.

But one of the main and most compelling reasons every company needs to have active social media accounts is this: your competition is online! Not only are you missing out on potential new customers, but your competition is creating a stronger relationship with people who haven’t had the chance to discover you. Who would let themselves miss out on that?

Metter Media LLC is a Boston-based social media management company that implements community-based, localized social engagement strategies small businesses and corporations alike. Need help with your social media Email Lauren today.

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